Monday, June 25, 2007

Apple's decadence

What's wrong with Apple nowadays?

First it was all those smug ads, depicting the PC as an effete, self-deprecatory, middle-aged man who aspired to compete with someone far younger and "cooler" than himself. These ads, launched late last year, got away with metaphorical murder, highlighting superficial weaknesses in Windows machines while poking gentle and unsophisticated fun at the infinitely risible conglomerate that is Microsoft.

Then the iPhone, introduced in Macworld in January. Complicated in design, bulky in appearance, and crammed to the brim with redundant features, it represented everything that was wrong about today's mobile phones. Apple seemed to have abandoned its time tested keep-it-simple model to join the "more is merrier" school of thought.

And now Safari 3 for Windows, whose decrepitude can only be described by a medium that some say is worth a thousand words.

If Apple cannot rescue their reputation quickly, I might have to give away my Macbook in shame.

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